Beyond Measure Coaching is focused on helping you achieve your goals through sustainable lifestyle, mindset, habit and nutrition changes


“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”

- Marianne Williamson

About Lea Smith

I’m a woman who loves science, helping others, and learning about all areas of health. These passions led me to pursue careers in both Nursing and Health Coaching. By creating Beyond Measure Coaching, I am able to combine my love of helping others and healthy living to help clients live their best lives.


  • Precision Nutrition L1

  • Functional Nutrition Metabolic Specialty Certification

  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing

  • High Performance Masters Academy Certification


We believe that in a world full of many demands, when you take care of yourself through balanced nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle, you can show up as the best version of yourself in all areas.

Through my own health journey, and working with hundreds of women, I know that focusing on small, consistent changes leads to the most amazing results over time.

I would love to show you how creating awareness with your mindset, lifestyle, and building an informed, positive relationship with food can transform your life.